I wish I could talk to Jaques Martin that would be amazing to know what's going on in his head.
No sources are generally people outside the club but who have some attachment to it. You would know this if you had been doing this as long as I have. Common Sense when will you realize that I am a good source for hockey and I have proven myself time and again on this site.
I will not defend myself to someone like you or anyone else parading about as "Anonymous" Its just not worth it.
ok source the more you post the sillier you sound. "if i had been doing that as long as you"???? my brother in law scouted for the canadiens from 1953 to 1978 when he retired. he told me more stories and rumours than you will ever hear. i talked to toe blake , ronnie caron and floyd curry at his retirement party for 2 hours. have you ever done that? i have talked to pro scouts and players here in thunder bay year round for 30 years. i have forgotten more stories and rumous than you'll "MAKE UP" in the next 10 years. i have seen NOTHING of any value predicted on your site unless of course you keep yapping about some contract a goalie in columbus got that you seem to think is a big deal and want credit for. your worse than a used car salesman because at least with them you end up with a peice of junk. with you people get nothing.
Leafsfaninottawa, I admire your dedication to your team, but face the facts. Toronto has absolutely no game-breakers on offense, and their defense sucks beyond Kaberle and Kubina. I cracked up when I saw their depth chart, it's that sad. No playoffs the last three years, and that was WITH Sundin and McCabe. If anyone can tell me why they will finish anywhere higher than 13th in the East, I'd love to hear your answer.
Sorry Common Sense I don't believe you and I think you are liar, You come on here saying your this and that and really we all know that you are lieing.
I'm fed up with your made up names and so called friends in Thunder Bay "The Hick Capital Of Canada"
I am who I said I am and that's that and unless you can prove otherwise then you are just wasting your time.
well source we may be hicks in thunder bay but your last post proved that you are exactly what everyone thinks you are.....A DICK!!! in 5 years when you turn 18 i'll let you know if your phony rumours make more sense than your brainless ones now do.
haha yeah thunder bay is the hick capitol of canada alright. btw, enough of the bashing. sure i dont agree with a lot of things that The Source says but come on! you people are getting rediculous with the negativity!
Ya it was a great idea Scotty had to get "The Source"" to blog for his site, because it generates so many hits from people wanting to laugh at the total bullshit "The Source" writes...We check out the site everyday to see what new laughs his blogs will bring...He seems to top himself everyday by acting like he talks to coaches or gm's what a total laughing stock!!! I wonder if he knows that people make fun of him on other hockey blogs...But once again props to Scotty for bringing in this total joke it generates hits!!
very nice! hahahahaha
Why thank you I guess!
why so much interest in a team thats going to be crappy?
plus whatever happedned to the big rumour about the panthers???jacques martin hasn't called you to tell you what he's doing the last 2 days?
I wish I could talk to Jaques Martin that would be amazing to know what's going on in his head.
No sources are generally people outside the club but who have some attachment to it. You would know this if you had been doing this as long as I have. Common Sense when will you realize that I am a good source for hockey and I have proven myself time and again on this site.
I will not defend myself to someone like you or anyone else parading about as "Anonymous" Its just not worth it.
Anyone saying the Leafs suck are brainwashed and need to keep their untrue nonsense to themselves.
ok source the more you post the sillier you sound. "if i had been doing that as long as you"???? my brother in law scouted for the canadiens from 1953 to 1978 when he retired. he told me more stories and rumours than you will ever hear. i talked to toe blake , ronnie caron and floyd curry at his retirement party for 2 hours. have you ever done that? i have talked to pro scouts and players here in thunder bay year round for 30 years. i have forgotten more stories and rumous than you'll "MAKE UP" in the next 10 years. i have seen NOTHING of any value predicted on your site unless of course you keep yapping about some contract a goalie in columbus got that you seem to think is a big deal and want credit for. your worse than a used car salesman because at least with them you end up with a peice of junk. with you people get nothing.
Leafsfaninottawa, I admire your dedication to your team, but face the facts. Toronto has absolutely no game-breakers on offense, and their defense sucks beyond Kaberle and Kubina. I cracked up when I saw their depth chart, it's that sad. No playoffs the last three years, and that was WITH Sundin and McCabe. If anyone can tell me why they will finish anywhere higher than 13th in the East, I'd love to hear your answer.
Sorry Common Sense I don't believe you and I think you are liar, You come on here saying your this and that and really we all know that you are lieing.
I'm fed up with your made up names and so called friends in Thunder Bay "The Hick Capital Of Canada"
I am who I said I am and that's that and unless you can prove otherwise then you are just wasting your time.
well source we may be hicks in thunder bay but your last post proved that you are exactly what everyone thinks you are.....A DICK!!! in 5 years when you turn 18 i'll let you know if your phony rumours make more sense than your brainless ones now do.
haha yeah thunder bay is the hick capitol of canada alright. btw, enough of the bashing. sure i dont agree with a lot of things that The Source says but come on! you people are getting rediculous with the negativity!
i like thunder bay.
Ya it was a great idea Scotty had to get "The Source"" to blog for his site, because it generates so many hits from people wanting to laugh at the total bullshit "The Source" writes...We check out the site everyday to see what new laughs his blogs will bring...He seems to top himself everyday by acting like he talks to coaches or gm's what a total laughing stock!!! I wonder if he knows that people make fun of him on other hockey blogs...But once again props to Scotty for bringing in this total joke it generates hits!!
The Source is a big giant fukin douche........woooooooooooooo
The Source is the most pathetic blogger in history what a LOSER!!!!.....Wooooooooooooo
The Source talks shit about Thunder Bay because he's a tough guy from the mean streets of Ancaster....wooooooo
The Source licks balls for cab fair and then walks home.........wooooooooooooo
wow, very special, i like it.
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